As a nonprofit-organization, The Palestinian Circus School is offering vital activities for the Palestinian society and has great ambitions. Without available structural governmental funding, we entirely depend on donations and international agencies to keep the school alive.
Your donations, big or small, makes a difference and are very important to assure the schools daily operation.
And You Can Make It Happen
Only a few of our students can pay a yearly tuition (which is much lower than the real cost). Most students get a partial or full scholarship from the school. By supporting your investing in young’s people future.
You can contribute to a student to cover the cost of their yearly training at the school:
You can help the circus to continue with your contributions large and small. The money you award makes a real difference and it is spent according to the school needs.
All you can do is visit the Palestinian Circus School in Birzeit or to buy from our special designed t-shirts and sweatshirts.
IBAN: BE44-8906141763-45 (BIC: VDSPBE91)
with memo ‘donation’ or ‘Sponsoring student’
With crypto currency: click here
IBAN: BE64 5230 8014 8852 – (BIC: TRIOBEBB)
Mentioning “Support for Palestina Solidariteit – Palestinian Circus School”
Beneficiary name: The Palestinian Circus Association
Account number: 8008442
Bank address: Ramallah-Palestine (006)
Swift code: ALDNPS22
Account IBAN/BBAN:
USD: PS80 ALDN 0487 8008 4420 0200 1000 0
NIS: PS62 ALDN 0487 8008 4420 4200 1000 0
Donate Today Through MECA’s Link and Get a Tax Exemption:
For believing in and supporting the Palestinian Circus School